Wassup food lovers…. you wouldn’t have wanted my life for the last fortnight…
Been in Melbourne working at an unsustainable pace for almost half of it.
In light of the ongoing disruption we agreed we needed a full board meeting. All eligible voters present agreed we could have a one week amnesty - provided it was “made up”
Attached the reader will find my paltry fortnight’s loss – I kilo. Im now at 101.5k
It’s all turned out pretty well for Jack as he’s lost 2.1 kilo’s over the fortnight and technically at least he’s on track – I have my suspicions it wasn’t 1.0 and 1.1kilo’s across the two weeks as the rules require but it’s not easy getting a straight answer out of him –and given it’s me that’s clearly fallen over anyway - best not to press too hard!
So we definitely let it slip a little keeping the blog updated. It's been pretty busy the last few weeks so, as John mentioned above, we decided to have a roll-over fortnight.
I still somehow managed to pull off the 2kg for the week but lets see how the week after goes. I'm working at the Perth fringe so expecting much alcohol and many burger stands....
Will be back (on time) next week with another update and another kilo lost!