Sunday, 9 February 2014

Week Four and Five


Wassup food lovers…. you wouldn’t have wanted my life for the last fortnight…
Been in Melbourne working at an unsustainable pace for almost half of it.

In light of the ongoing disruption we agreed we needed a full board meeting. All eligible voters present agreed we could have a one week amnesty - provided it was “made up”
Attached the reader will find my paltry fortnight’s loss – I kilo. Im now at 101.5k

It’s all turned out pretty well for Jack as he’s lost 2.1 kilo’s over the fortnight and technically at least he’s on track – I have my suspicions it wasn’t 1.0 and 1.1kilo’s across the two weeks as the rules require but it’s not easy getting a straight answer out of him –and given it’s me that’s clearly fallen over anyway - best not to press too hard!


So we definitely let it slip a little keeping the blog updated. It's been pretty busy the last few weeks so, as John mentioned above, we decided to have a roll-over fortnight.

I still somehow managed to pull off the 2kg for the week but lets see how the week after goes. I'm working at the Perth fringe so expecting much alcohol and many burger stands....

 Will be back (on time) next week with another update and another kilo lost!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Week Three


Another good week on the scales for the dream team! Joined up to Goodlife Health Clubs this week and have been almost every day for an hour or so with the lovely Chloe. Helps to have a good gym buddy who pushes you that bit harder and makes you stay that bit longer. I ended up signing about 8-10 people up who all got calls from the gym this week. The good side is that I got a free backpack and water bottle out of it! Worth it!

So almost 3kg lost this week, another good week! Been out a few times but good choices and balancing meals throughout the day meant I haven't paid for it.

This week might be a little harder. I'm going to see Jimmy Carr tonight and planning on having a big feed and my first alcoholic beverage for 20 days! Then Australia Day on Sunday is already looking like a decent blowout! A good week in key otherwise I may be in a bit of strife.

I managed to walk in on John skinny dipping this week after he'd been out for a big ride. He blamed to cold water....


No fireworks from the big boy this week - another week another kilo. Can’t believe it’s been three weeks already.

With Xmas and the New Year fading It’s all a little busier at work so not quite as much banter with young Jack this week – but he’s continuing to smash it.

For any of you reading this who followed my other blog  - infant pigeon  carcass Brend dropped down under 87 kegs during the week. I inherited a fair bit of his old ( yet still quite new) riding kit so hopefully he continues to stay away from the donuts and doesn’t ask for his kit back.

Off to Melb with work tonight or tomorrow so might need to show a bit more discipline this week. Woo hoo

Monday, 13 January 2014

Week Two


Only just made the 1 kilo cut off this week. Was ahead of schedule until Saturday when we went to a lunch @ Cocos with some friends which had been arranged some time ago. Tasting plate, entree and main plus I hoovered down a portion of the dessert. Not to mention plenty of pop. Unwavering resolve!!  I was in the high 102's for a lot of the week. 

Nothing social planned for this week so far so if I can stay away from people I may well still be on track next Monday. Eating a bit more fruit and trying to eat a little less bread. 


Second week was always going to be tough but I was genuinely quite pleased and surprised with how it all went. Apart from going to the food markets in the City on Friday night (which i can HIGHLY recommend), I was very good with my food intake throughout the week. I've also now gone almost 2 weeks without a drop of alcohol!! Pretty pleased and impressed with myself.

Plans are afoot to join up at a gym and i've locked in a free 2 week trial (Free is always better) Although I didn't lose the same amount of weight as the first week, I'm really happy that i'm not hungry at all and still losing some pudge! 1.1kg gone this week!

In other news, I managed to almost die on Saturday playing cricket in 44 degrees opposite that fire in Jolimont! If it wasn't the heat that was going to kill me, the smoke inhalation almost did me in!

Another big week ahead!

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Week One


One week down and a pretty good start.

The first few days are the hardest, especially considering the time of year. Our usually bare cupboard has been full of chips, nuts, christmas pudding and alcohol making resisting temptation even harder. At least I had my pre-diet bulking month when I ate everything in sight during December

Fortunately it's been a good week. I've got out nearly every day for a jog or a quick walk and played a few rounds of golf (I think I'll be challenging John at some point soon. Biggest Loser style 1kg weight penalty for the loser!). It's been enjoyable and it's good to have people around to give my hand a slap if I waiver from task.

I started the week at 119kg and this morning I've woken up at 114.6kg! A loss of 4.4kg and a really good start to this journey.

I've made sure I'm doing something I can maintain rather than just starving myself and hating on life. King and I agreed that we'd both take the Captaincy of this team on alternating weeks and so I think I'll take it over this week and set our rule number two. I'll let you know after some discussion what the rule will be but I'll make sure it's either physically or mentally challenging! I'll be sure to keep John honest.

In other news, I've cleaned my room. It means I can definitely guarantee that I'll be staying at home for the next 7-8 years. Plans for the upwards extension are in the process of being approved.


End of week one. In hindsight starting this project at such a social time of year was bordering on foolhardy. I see Jack must have eaten for Australia over xmas to get himself up to 119.0 just so he can come out of the blocks  in such impressive fashion. 4.4kegs! -  Grizzy’s dogs don’t weigh that much.

I’ve had a far tamer week 105.9 to 104.5 see photo below - displacing nearly 1.5 kilos of pudding. It was still Christmas so I didn’t want to alter any grazing or social drinking habits for the week for political reasons, only drinking more water and tried to get some sleep and rest  - as did 500k for last 8 days on bike. Most of that 1.4kg loss actually came from the one hard man, monster ride in the hills with Mosquito Brend. Food management starts today.

Week 2 baby that’s when we find out who’s keeping it real.

Next Monday is going to come around soon enough. Early observers are probably wondering if Jack has gone out too hard?  If I didn’t know beforehand I know now that Jack is pretty pumped about this – not just the 4.4 kegs he’s dropped but he sent me his side of the blog at 8.30 this morning – normally he doesn’t get up until lunchtime unless there’s been a kitchen fire or something equally as calamitous.

For next week we are going to insert a graph or table with starting weight, end of week weight and overall so it’s the story at a glance. I actually can’t turn the ideas off.

There's a fair bit happening, I suspect we won't actually be able to wait until next Monday to roll out our next post.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


What’s up homies. Happy New Year.

Here’s the plan for the first quarter of 2014.

My neighbour Jack - who you might recall helped me get this blog going and stayed at our house when we were in the UK (please pay attention) and I are going to lose 13 kegs in 13 weeks.

You can lose more than 1 kilogram in a week but it’s not averaged , ie you still then have to lose 1 kilogram each and every week.

We are then going to have a consolidation period of a further 13 weeks where you can’t pile any chub back on.

We are going to post a picture of our digital scales after our weigh in each Monday morning with one (collective) blog each Monday - for the next thirteen weeks.

If you want push up (auto) weekly updates simply enter your email address at the top of the new blog page.

We are seeking to shift some pudding for slightly different reasons. Anyone following this blog fairly regularly knows I’ve been doing a bit of cycling over the last few months.

After staying pretty static for a couple of years it’s fair to say it’s recently jumped up a level which is pleasing given it wasn’t something that came easily to me.

I was 105.9 kegs on 1/1/2014 - see photo attached.

I’m keen to get a little faster still on my bike. Any mud around your middle is the enemy of going quicker (particularly up hills) so eventually you have no choice but to say no to the KFC. Eventually you realise that everyone you know who cycles very well looks like a cyclist who cycles very well so that’s the next step for me.

Whilst he would never say this about himself Jack has been handed a lot of genetic gifts. He’s the lead singer in a band,  is a good looking rooster, is better than useful at sport with pretty impressive hand eye coordination. One gift he wasn’t handed was the ability to eat mountains of shit food and stay lean. A year ago he was 90 kegs and pretty pleased with himself. We did a little training together in the lead up to him getting to that 90 kegs which is where I possibly underestimated Jacks resolve a little. I set up two bikes in my garage and we were doing some cycling followed by a run around the block (2k) and you do it two or three times. Jack was on the cusp of breaking the 10 minute barrier for the circuit and I didn’t think he was trying hard enough so I bullied him a little during the second lap only for him to stop at the shop behind my house (150m from the end of the run) – and throw up in the bin there – before finishing the run to his credit. And by throw up I mean he really gave it some – not one of those attention seeking excuses for a chuck that some people roll out just to get to the showers early. Fast forward to 1/1/2014 however and he’s 119 kegs, (photo attached) which is a little untidy for a young bloke.
This level of pork is an area he probably needs to get on top of sooner rather than later for lots of reasons so we are going to do this together as with that element of friendly competition and making it somewhat public we are almost duty bound to be successful.

Our first official Monday weigh in and post is tomorrow so I’ll see some of you then -  but before I go let me hand you over to Jack….

So many of you will already know John and may have heard of me before. John is at 74, i'm at 70! I've house sat for him before and drunk him under the table a couple times too. There may be a huge age gap but mentally we're on about the same level.

We've also got a penchant for food whilst also being elite athletes. The King (as he likes to be known) has completed numerous events that make me tired just watching them and I think we were all proud of him when he completed the Busselton Ironman. We followed him from home online and were happy to get the news that he crossed the line.

Anyway, neither of us are insubstantial blokes and we both want to be slightly less substantial. I've lost 30kg twice in my life but not done a great job of keeping it off. This time is going to be different. 26 weeks in total. 13 to lose some kegs and 13 more to make sure we keep it off.

It's going to be tough, I might even vomit, there could even be some decent comedy but it'll be 110% no matter what.

Keep following our progress and get around us! Wait to see how good we'll be looking come July!